Wednesday, 06 October 2010 13:57 |
Licensing data
Licensing data is often the first piece of information collected from a fishing vessel. Licensing data may show a range of information about the vessel, but essentially it shows the following items; the periods of time the vessel is authorised to fish in the Exclusive Economic Zone, the authorised target species and fishing methods, the cost of the licence. Licensing data is an important data type as once a fishery licences activates a vessels entry into the data collection system. Normally the vessel owner or vessel agent records this information.
Monday, 11 October 2010 14:34 |
Tuna fishery data collections forms are presented in appendices of the DCC10 report (8.99 MB)
The data collection forms can also be downloaded separately in PDF files via the links below. The documents were designed to be printed on both sides of an A4 page, with a form on one side and the instructions on the other; if your printer supports duplex printing, duplex should be set in Print Setup.
Guidelines to good data collection |
Wednesday, 06 October 2010 14:06 |
Prepare well
At the start of the day collect your equipment together. Normally you should check that you have a
- Clipboard
- 2B pencils
- Forms
- Eraser
Make sure you bring extra forms and pencils etc. Put a check list together and include things like your sampling kit, camera etc
Data Collection Committees |
Monday, 11 October 2010 14:33 |
View DCC documents |